
Department at a Glance

The Department of botany opened in the year 2008 with under-graduate classes in a combination with botany, Zoology and Chemistry.   In our college, we have a collection of reference books and text books for under-graduate students. The Department of botany offers a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) with a three-year graduation courses. 

Departments aim to develop skill and quality in the field of botany via multiple kinds of educational techniques and they can use their subjective knowledge in various interdisciplinary opportunities.



B.Sc 1st  year

Paper -I

Viruses, Bacteria, Algae, Fungi & Lichens


Bryophytes ,Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms & Paleobotany


B.Sc 2nd  year


Plant taxonomy, Economic botany, Plant anatomy and Embryology


Ecology and plant physiology



B.Sc 3rd  year



Analytical technology Plant pathology, Experimental embryology, Elementary biostatistics, Environmental pollution and Conservation


Genetics, Molecular biology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry